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airspace check

In order to operate in full compliance with the FAA, our team reviews Aeronautical Charts like the example above.  Prior to shooting each job, our team pinpoints the exact location of the operation and takes the proper steps necessary to ensure a safe flight.  In some instances, we may not be able to complete your requested job due to airspace restrictions.  Should this happen, our team will notify you of the issue and issue a 100% refund.

pre flight check list

Our Pilots each hold a Remote Pilot Certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and are in full compliance to operate small unmanned aircraft systems. Prior to each flight, your pilot will complete a pre flight check list including the equipment and the surrounding location.  Once the operation zone and equipment has been deemed safe, our operator can begin shooting your project.  

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Our operation relies heavily on safe aerial conditions and visibility.  We can not fly in inclement weather (and the final product wouldn't turn out great either! )  If we are unable to complete your project due to poor weather conditions, our team will try to give you as much notice as possible.  We will work to reschedule the operation, and deliver our completed project within 24 hours of completion of the shoot.

Proper notification & Local Ordinances

Our team will check local codes & ordinances to ensure we are in full compliance with local law.  Please let our team know if you need help with notification to the surrounding community regarding our aerial operations. Sometimes homeowners associations as well as neighboring residents or businesses may greatly appreciate prior notification of our flight if we are operating in close vicinity.  Our onsite team will also have applicable documents pertaining to the job as well as visible signage to notify any surrounding bystanders.